Applying Skills in Apprenticeship

Neiman Thompson is a freshman majoring in sociology and minoring in communication. He is currently working at, a Wichita-based online retailer of wall d矇cor and handmade oil paint reproductions of famous art. Through the Career Development Centers Apprent-ICT program, Thompson has the opportunity to build his resume while improving career readiness skills. This program allows freshmen and sophomores the opportunity to earn money, gain real-world job experience and explore various fields of work early on in their careers. 

Thompsons day-to-day duties as an Office Assistant have him managing company social media pages, writing feature stories about artists of the week and spearheading outreach efforts in regards to potential artists as well as updating images on This vast array of duties has helped Thompson learn a wide variety of skills in a short period of time as well as grow his network.  

I have learned so much during my time here, he says. I now know how to communicate more effectively, articulate my thoughts in a professional manner, take criticism, and be an effective risk taker and critical thinker.  

Ive made many connections through this job. Ive met the President of the company, the Sales Manager, and many other influential people who I know will be crucial to my success in the future. 

Thompson attributes his success in finding this job largely to the Career Development Centers job opportunity platform.  

蹤獲扦has connected me with Handshake, which has given me direct access to new jobs and opportunities in and outside of Kansas, he says. I think everyone should seek out an internship or apprenticeship of some kind, the experience is helpful in every way. 

蹤獲扦's applied learning program gives students hands-on, paid experience with industry partners, helping them build careers before graduation.

For more information, contact the Shocker Career Accelerator at (316) 978-3688,, or visit You can also stop by in person at the Marcus Welcome Center, Suite 139, on the Wichita State campus.