Student Veterans Organization logo

Veteran Benefit Resources

Below are web-sites that provide information on Veteran benefits and how to file and or ask for them. There are also many sites that explain how to obtain books, military records, medical records and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA. All the information is free and available for all Veterans.



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: This is the link will take you to the page to see the illness the VA has determined from exposure to agent orange.

 and the affects it has had on spouses and children born after the veterans service in the areas that they were exposed to agent orange.

and has archives of the past changes made to this document.

Chapter 5 covers the appeal process: General Information on Appeals, Notice of Disagreement (NOD), Decision Review Office (DRO) Review Process, Statement of the Case (SOC) and Supplement Statement of the Case (SSOC), Filing a Substantive Appeal, Docketing Certification and Claims Folder Transfer, Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) Decisions and Remands, Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) Hearings, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC), Special Appeal Issues and Cases, Veterans Appeals Control and Locator System (VACOLS).


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: The Board of Veterans' Appeals (also known as "BVA" or "the Board") is a part of the VA, located in Washington, D.C.
Members of the Board review benefit claims determinations made by local VA offices and issue decision on appeals. These Law Judges, attorneys experienced in veterans law and in reviewing benefit claims, are the only ones who can issue Board decisions. Staff attorneys, also trained in veterans law, review the facts of each appeal and assist the Board members. {38 U.S.C. 禮禮 7103, 7104}


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Two elderly Native American veterains sitting in folding chairs

The Center for Minority Veterans is part of the Office of the Secretary. The Center assists eligible veterans in their efforts to receive benefits and services from VA. The Center acts only as a mediator and facilitator as such the Center does not process claims, handle equal employment complaints, or employee relation problems. The Center is dedicated to ensuring that all veterans are aware of benefits, services, and programs offered by VA.

Center for Women Veterans logo

This link provides a wealth of information and inspirational stories about women veterans. DID YOU KNOW as aresult of the progress of the 1990s, women are now excluded from only 9 percent of Army rolesalthough that figure represents nearly 30 percent of active-duty positions. Army women cannot be assigned to the following occupational fields: infantry, armor, Special Forces, cannon field artillery and multiple launch rocket artillery. Also closed to women are: Ranger units at the regiment level and below, ground surveillance radar platoons, combat engineer line companies, and short range defense artillery units. In the Air Force, 99 percent of all occupations are open to women. Navy women are only excluded from submarine crews and SEAL teams, special boat unit crews and support positions with the Marine Corps ground combat units. The Marine Corps has opened 92 percent of its occupational fields to women, however 38 percent of positions are closed to women. Closed occupational fields include infantry, tank and assault amphibian vehicles and artillery. All Coast Guard occupations and positions are open to women. Source: Women In Military Service for America archives.

: This link will take you to the site that explains the Compensation Provisions.

This table shows the disability rating for those without dependents and with dependents. The link shows the most current amounts being paid from 2009. It will also show you how to read the ratings and how to use the charts.


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Persian Gulf War

This site links you to everything within theVA system nationwide.

offers a free, complete physical examination with basic laboratory studies to every veteran who served in the Gulf War. The VA has named a physician at every VA medical center to coordinate the special examination program, which elicits information about symptoms and exposures and directs baseline laboratory studies. The VA is also inviting spouses and children of Gulf War Veterans who have received a Registry examination to take advantage of the special health examinations. To schedule an examination you should contact the VA at 800-PGW-VETS (800-749-8387). This link will take you to the website that explains about the referral process and what is being done to streamline the process.

is what is left over when most of the highly radioactive types (isotopes) of uranium are removed for use as nuclear fuel or nuclear weapons. The depleted uranium used in armor-piercing munitions and in enhanced armor protection for some Abrams tanks is also used in civilian industry, primarily for stabilizers in airplanes and boats. This is the fact sheet on depleted uranium.

The VSO web page has been removed while we determine a new process and policy by which VSOs and MSOs will be listed in VAs directory. In the interim, please visit the Office of General Counsels Accreditation web site to find information on accredited VSO organizations and organizations chartered by Congress. Click on the Accreditation web site link to find the VSO organization you are looking for

, Comp These 57 Disability Examination Worksheets are in use both by the doctors of VHA (Veterans Health Administration) who do the disability examinations and by the rating specialists, hearing officers, and Decision Review Officers of VBA (Veterans Benefits Administration) who do the disability evaluations.

This information is in Chapter 2: General Information on Due Process, Notice of Proposed Adverse Action, Adverse Action Proposal Period, Contemporaneous Notice, Exhibits.

This information is in Chapter 1: Description and General Information, Handling Claims Under the Veterans Claims Assistance Act (VCAA), Requesting Records.


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provides technical guidance, support, management, and coordination to ensure continuation of healthcare for eligible veterans, military personnel and the public during Department of Defense contingencies, and natural, manmade, or technical emergencies. EMSHG operates from its headquarters in Martinsburg, WV, with a field staff of area emergency managers and management assistants located at VA medical centers throughout the nation. Vol. 9, Issue 1, October 2000 This document talks about the VAs support of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the role the VA would play in such a contingency.

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations logo

The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) is a currently updated version of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. The e-CFR is an editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Printing Office. The OFR updates the material in the e-CFR on a daily basis.

: This link provides the information on eligibility for combat veterans.


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Three elderly veterains in wheelchairs

: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a spectrum of geriatric and extended care services to Veterans enrolled in its health care system. This spectrum of services includes non-institutional and institutional options.

Post 9/11 GI Bill - It is your future

This site provides all the information you need to apply for your GI bill, questions, compare programs, calculate benefits, verify attendance, and a host of other options.

(GAF) scale was introduced as a measure of global severity of illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version III-R first published in 1987. Despite its widespread use, the GAF has serious limitations. One major limitation of the GAF is that it combines three domains of functioning (i.e., occupational, social, and psychological) which often do not vary together. Research has found that GAF scores are typically representative of symptom status rather than social or occupational status. This website provides information on this scale and provides a link to look at the different ranges on the scale. It is under the title of The Scale near the bottom of the page.

OIF OEF Veteran

: This link provides the information on the different subjects relating to Gulf War Veterans health.

This link will take you to the publication on .

This link is a very good source for the and the problems veterans are facing as a result of this war.


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Chapter 4 in this link will take you to the publication on hearings.

Homeless Veterans logo

This link will take you to the information on homeless veterans and the services available to them through the Veterans Administration.

This link will take you to the Health Services Research and Development website and you will be able to see what is being done to help veterans with their illness and any other information you may seek.


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These 57 Disability Examination Worksheets are in use both by the doctors of VHA (Veterans Health Administration) who do the disability examinations and by the rating specialists, hearing officers, and Decision Review Officers of VBA (Veterans Benefits Administration) who do the disability evaluations.

: This site gives information on all the known toxins that have affected soldiers during war time.

Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Freedom Combat Veteran

: The following link provides a wealth of information for those who have served in OIF/OEF. It provides links to the handbook, publications, the newsletter, and many others.

: This link is a very good source of information concerning Ionizing Radiation that soldiers were exposed to during World War II.


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. "The draft National Plan's goals are to find savings and reinvest them in doctors, nurses and modern health care equipment resources crucial to direct patient care," said Dr. Robert H. Roswell, VA's Under Secretary for Health. "It makes sure the decisions we make today and in the future are inline with the health care needs of veterans. Bottom line the draft plan will allow us to avoid imbalances between the size and location of health care facilities and veterans' demand for care tomorrow."

: This link will take you to the handbook on life insurance through the VA. You can click on the chapter you want to read about in the table of contents. On the right side of the screen there are multiple links on VGLI and SGLI and gives you the information if you need to contact a representative about life insurance.


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This is under the first heading of Compensation and Pension. When you click on the link it will take you to the publication you want to read.

. This comprehensive plan provides a full range of preventive outpatient and inpatient services within VA health care system. Also, once you enroll in the VAs health care system, you can be seen at any VA facility across the country.

Mental Disorders, Schedule of Ratings The nomenclature employed in this portion of the rating schedule is based upon the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV). Rating agencies must be thoroughly familiar with this manual to properly implement the directives in 禮4.125 through 禮4.129 and to apply the general rating formula for mental disorders in 禮4.130. This link provides the different rating codes for different mental disorders.

: Guidelines as set forth in this document are published to improve the care for a large and often complex group of veteran patients. These Guidelines reflect what the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is capable of doing now and suggest directions for future program development, particularly in response to the revolutionary changes accompanying the Journey of Change. This will take you to the publication regarding the mental health guidelines and the changes that are being made in the system to better help veterans who are dealing with a mental illness. logo

: Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced March 31 that the department's Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Task Force has completed the final draft of a comprehensive report that will redefine how VA officials address the concerns of veterans who deployed during the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. VA representatives will reconnect with veterans from the 1990 - 1991 Gulf War, strengthen the training of clinicians and claims processors and reenergize the department's research effort. They also will proactively strengthen partnerships and medical surveillance to address the potential health impacts on veterans from the environmental exposures on today's battlefields.

: This website will take you the MIRECC home page and allows you to click on the area you are living in or to find another facility. It has links that will take you to the answers you are looking to find.

: This link has a wealth of information on MS and the therapies that are available to veterans regardless of whether or not it is service connected and treatment is available throughout the life of the veteran.

This link will take you to the site you need to sign up for this program or to sign in. It provides you with a way to fill your prescriptions, keep track of your vitals like blood pressure, and send messages to your primary care provider all on line.


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: This is the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services. The commission will play a critical objective role in assessing proposed CARES initiatives that address the future health care needs of veterans, and how and where the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can best provide those services.

: Links to Veteran Benefits, The VA, Veteran Jobs, Veteran Affairs, Disability Compensation, Financial Assistance, and Military Transition.

and Disease Prevention (NCHP) monitors and encourages Veterans Health Administration (VHA) activities that provide, evaluate and improve preventive medicine services. The Center serves as a resource for inquiry about health promotion strategies, VA policy and model programs, education of veterans, staff and trainees and as a source for data about VHA prevention programs. It has information pertaining to health promotion and disease prevention.

With the exceptions noted, disability from the following diseases and their residuals may be rated from 10 percent to 100 percent in proportion to the impairment of motor, sensory, or mental function. Consider especially psychotic manifestations, complete or partial loss of use of one or more extremities, speech disturbances, impairment of vision, disturbances of gait, tremors, visceral manifestations, etc., referring to the appropriate bodily system of the schedule. With partial loss of use of one or more extremities from neurological lesions, rate by comparison with the mild, moderate, severe, or complete paralysis of peripheral nerves]. This gives and overview of the amount of disability rating for each disorder listed on the sheet.


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provides information on how to help VA'S Secretary to ensure the integrity of departmental operations by reporting suspected fraud, waste or abuse in VA programs or operations. This site also provides the information on how to contact the OIG and answers many frequently asked questions.

The Office of the Medical Inspector (OMI) Listens to Veterans

: The OMI addresses health care problems to monitor and improve the quality of care provided by VHA. This link will take you to the website for the OMI. They provide you with the information necessary to file a complaint against a facility or any other problems you may experience in your care.

The following link will take you to the site to start you application for health benefits on line. Just click on the link that says click here to start your application. You will need a current version of Adobe Reader to access this application. This is a secure web site so just type in the address and it will take you to the site.


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: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in collaboration with the National Center for Human Genome Research, is launching a new initiative in Parkinsons disease research that will combine genetic, epidemiological, and clinical studies of the disease. This link will take you to the article on the initiative that the VA is undertaking in understanding this illness that is affecting veterans.

provides an overview of the National VA Parkinson's Disease Consortium, including history and future direction, membership information and application, national VA movement disorder specialist directory, and resources designed for the VA clinician. Through this link you can access the same information as stated in the above topic and you can go into the Consortium website.

This page details the entitlements of peacetime disability compensation as well as the amendments to this benefit.

will take you to the index on these benefits. It talks about everything you need to know about non-service disability and burial benefits as well as many other topics.

Military patch

: This program is now referred to as Gulf War Registry Program (to include Operation Iraqi Freedom) as of March 7, 2005: VA set up the Gulf War Registry health examination program to track the special health concerns of Veterans who served in the Gulf during the 1990-1991 Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or Operation New Dawn. The collected data enables VA to understand and address health problems more effectively. The website that is below will take you through the steps to sign up for the Gulf War Registry Program and has contact information as well for the Gulf War Registry if you need to talk to a counselor.

The following link below has access to both Phase I and Phase II on the Persian Gulf Report. This has all the information on both Phases and what they reported.

This link will take you to the VA publication website. If you click on the handbook link it will take you to the publications of the handbooks for the VA. You can also refine your search to what you are looking for through the search area on the website.

This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook establishes uniform and consistent national policy and procedures for determination of eligibility of veteran beneficiaries for prosthetic services. This link will take you to the handbook that talks about who is eligible for prosthetic services.

This link will take you to the VA home page of Public Health and Environmental Hazards.


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: About 697,000 men and women served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm from August 1990 to June 1991 during the first Gulf War. In the years since they returned, nearly a quarter of these Veterans have experienced illnesses that have led VA and others to research whether hazardous exposures during the Gulf War caused their symptoms.

Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn, named for the reduced role of U.S. troops in Iraq, have created a new group of Gulf War Veterans. For VA benefit purposes, the Gulf War began August 2, 1990 and continues to the present. The link above is the source of information for any questions or answers that veterans need. The second link highlighted above gives much information on the different exposures during the first Gulf War and Operations OIF/OEF that are currently ongoing.


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Illnesses was created by Congress in 1998, and first appointed by Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi in January, 2002. The mission of the Committee is to make recommendations to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on government research relating to the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War.

: This link will take you to the home page of Research and Development. On this website there is a wealth of information on what is being done to take care of veterans coming home from war.


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: This link will take you to the study done by the government on the SARS outbreak and what has been done to prevent such another outbreak.

is required to submit an annual report on the results, status, and priorities of research activities related to the health consequences of military service in the Gulf War, to the Senate and House Veterans' Affairs Committees. The Research Working Group (RWG) of the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board (PGVCB) prepared this document, the 1999 Annual Report to Congress, which is the sixth report on research activities. (PGVCB, 1995a; 1996a; 1997; 1998; 1999a) This link will take you to the introduction to the report and allows access to the full report through a link on the page.

Gulf War Illness

The Secretary of Veterans Affairs is required by as amended by Section 104 of Public Law 105-368, to submit to the Senate and House Veterans' Affairs Committees an annual report on the results, status, and priorities of research activities related to the health consequences of military service in the Gulf War. The Research Subcommittee of the interagency Deployment Health Working Group (DHWG) prepared this 2002 Annual Report to Congress, which is the ninth report on research and research activities. (PGVCB, 1995a; 1996a; 1997; 1998a; 1999a; 2001; MVHCB, 2001a; 2002; DHWG, 2003) The DHWG tracks all Federally-funded research projects related to Gulf War veterans' illnesses. This link will take you to the introduction about the report and provides a link to view the full report.

: During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Department of Defense conducted tests known as Project 112 and Project SHAD. The tests were conducted to determine potential risks to American forces exposed to chemical and biological warfare. U.S. service members were not test subjects; rather, they participated in conducting the tests.

VA Care Management logo

: You will find social workers in all program areas in VA medical centers who are ready to help you with most any need. If you have questions or problems, the social worker will be able to help you or can refer you to the right person for help.

provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits. These benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. If you are a spouse, you may take a correspondence course. Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances. This website provides all the information on these benefits and provides you with the links to access other information.


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This link will take you to the breakdown of Chapter 1 of the Pensions, Bonuses and Veterans Relief up to Part 17.

Part 18 This section talks about non-discrimination in the VA, Delegation of Responsibility, and Practice and Procedure. This link will take you to the website that will allow you to click on the areas about .

: This topic discusses problems with the Musculoskeletal System and the rating for each disability related to these injuries.

Title 38 禮 4.16 Total disability ratings for compensation based on unemployability of the individual. PART A "


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: This link provides the information regarding the management of chronic pain and fatigue medically unexplained symptoms.

United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims logo

is a national court of record, established under Article I of the Constitution of the United States. The Court has exclusive jurisdiction to provide judicial review of final decisions by the Board of Veterans' Appeals, an entity within the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Court provides veterans an impartial judicial forum for review of administrative decisions by the Board of Veterans' Appeals that are adverse to the veteran-appellant's claim of entitlement to benefits for service-connected disabilities, survivor benefits and other benefits such as education payments and waiver of indebtedness. In furtherance of its mission, the Court also seeks to help ensure that all veterans have equal access to the Court and to promote public trust and confidence in the Court.


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This document provides information on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and current recommendations regarding what is known about best practice procedures for assessing PTSD among veteran populations. This link provides the manual on PTSD and everything that is involved from getting it diagnosed to filing your claim for the diagnosis.

: This link gives information on the fees and priority for patient appointments.

: This link will take you to this publication and you can look at it by chapter for what you need to know.

These fact sheets provide basic information on VA benefit programs by category. For additional information, go to , , or . Fact sheets are in Word or PDF format. You may download free viewer and reader software to view the fact sheets. This link will take you to the fact sheet and provides the links on a variety of subjects and provides you with a link to download the software needed to view the documents.

: The following link will take you to the VA forms page. You can get the release of information consent form from here as well as request other documents such as your DD214.

VA loan limits are based on the limits authorized in each county. VA Jumbo loans are available. These loans require a 25% down payment on any amount over your county limit. This link takes you to the VA loan website and it provides a wealth of information for those looking to get a home loan, to refinancing, loan limits and jumbo loans. There is additional information on the right side for any questions you may have about getting a loan.

Welcome to the newly redesigned VA Hepatitis C internet. This site offers materials for Veterans, clinicians, researchers, and other health care providers. This link will take you to the website dedicated to Hepatitis C and all you need to do is click on the Veteran button. It will take you to the site that has all the information concerning diagnosis, treatment and to what steps you need to take to take better care of yourself when dealing with this illness.

(RC&V) provides short- and long-term records storage and records management services for VA and other Federal government agency customers. Located in a subterranean, climate-controlled facility, RC&V provides storage for general, vital, and unscheduled records as well as records held pending litigation freezes. We are committed to providing our customers with the most secure, reliable, and responsible records storage services available at competitive rates. On this page on the right side is the links for going to the different areas of the webpage.

When you go to this link click on the PDA download tab on the right side. The military health history pocket card is below the resident supervision card. This card is intended for doctors but is a good resource for veterans to have so they will know what answers will be asked of them when they go to the VA for their healthcare.

In order to protect our Veterans, their families and survivors who have Veteran-owned small businesses (VOSB), President Obama Signed the Veterans Small Business Verification Act contained in the Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 on October 13, 2010. This law expands VAs requirement to verify business status as owned and operated by Veterans, service-disabled Veterans or eligible surviving spouses.

- Readjustment Counseling Service Vet Centers understand and appreciate Veterans' war experiences while assisting them and their family members toward a successful post-war adjustment in their community. This website provides a wealth of information for veterans returning home. They provide many services to veterans and their family members to help them adjust to life outside the military. There links to finding a Vet Center near you and the different programs they provide. On the left side of the page is a link for veterans to see if they are eligible for services through the center.

This site will take you to any information you are seeking about the VA and the different programs they have as well as benefit information.

This website provides information on laws, regulations and pretty much everything else pertaining to the VA. You need to scroll down a little to see what all is on this site and it has the links you can click on to read on the topic you are interested in finding out about.

: In 2001, the U.S. Congress provided VA with authorization (called the Mill Bill) to pay for emergency care in non-VA facilities for veterans enrolled in the VA health care system. The benefit will pay for emergency care rendered for non-service-connected conditions for enrolled veterans who have no other source of payment for the care. However, VA will only pay to the point of medical stability. There are very strict guidelines concerning these types of claims. Veterans and their non-VA providers should be aware that these claims must be filed with the VA within 90 days from the last day of the emergent care; otherwise, the claim will be denied because it was not filed in a timely manner. This benefit is a safety net for enrolled veterans who have no other means of paying a private facility emergency bill. If another health insurance provider pays all or part of a bill, VA cannot provide any reimbursement. Veterans who retired from the U.S. military are covered by Tricare/CHAMPUS insurance and cannot file a Mill Bill claim.

Welcome to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Documents Home Page. This web site contains information regarding VHA-wide policies, procedures, requirements and other information of general applicability. The VHA Forms, Publications and Records Management Service of the VHA Office of Information maintain the content. This site provides links to all publications in the VA system.

(VR&E) VetSuccess Program is authorized by Congress under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, and Chapter 31. It is sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program. The VetSuccess program assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. For Veterans with so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VetSuccess offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible.

eBenefits, My Gateway to Benefit Information

online The VONAPP (Veterans On Line Application) website is an official U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website that enables service members, veterans and their beneficiaries, and other designated individuals to apply for benefits using the Internet.


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This is link will take you to the Web Automated Reference Material System and provides links to view various topics.

This is the link to Title 38 subchapter II on Wartime Disability Compensation. It talks about basic entitlement and has amendments to this document concerning drug, alcohol, and tobacco use.

(WRIISC) located in Washington, DC develops and provides expertise for Veterans and their health care providers through clinical care, research and educational programs. This program studies the illnesses and injuries incurred by those who fought during war time. It provides information on clinical care programs, education and outreach, and research. They also provide their contact information if you want to know more about the program.

- New Jersey The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center at the East Orange campus of the VA New Jersey Health Care System (NJ WRIISC) is part of a National VA program devoted to post deployment Veterans and their unique health care needs. We develop and provide expertise for Veterans and their health care providers through clinical evaluation, research, education and risk communication.


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