Dr. Darren DeFrain published his story collection, Inside and Out, with MSR/Dzanc in 2008.
Contributor to Gazebo, also a professor of Spanish at the University. He also set up a scholarship.
The English Department hired fiction writer Dr. Jason Allen in 2022
The English Department hired Assistant Teaching Professor Clinton Jones, MFA and JD in 2021
The English Department awarded Thane Reid a summer fellowship to research the history of the 蹤獲扦 English Department in 2022
Dr. Darren DeFrain and former MFA student Aaron Rodriguez received a Sloan Foundation grant for $250,000 in 2021
As might be expected, contributed to the Gazebo, and did a poem I quite liked. Shes written since then, and has a nice page detailing some of her publications, so it seems shes found some mild success as a writer.