Registation will open Mid-March
Registration Fees
$450 for State Representatives*
$695 for Industry Representatives
Your registration fee includes:
- 3 first-rate keynote speakers
- 14 special presentations by industry experts
- 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, snacks morning and afternoon
- 4 evening receptions
- Exposure to current trends and changes in your industry
- A chance to participate in an industry discussion
- Unique and endless networking opportunities
- Access to all Conference information, speaker bios, presentation handouts and event
details on Whova
- Free transportation to and from the conference
How to Register
Click the register button to open the registration form.
If you have not registered for a conference using Iris Registration before, you will be instructed to create an account.
Once you do so, it should direct you to the registration form. Fill out the form and pay to complete your registration.
If you have registered for an event before, you may see a New Registration section on the top of your page. Click the blue "New Registration" button to continue.
You should be then be directed to Add a Registration by entering a code. Type code 24WPTC and click the blue "Submit Code" button to continue to the registration form. Fill out the form and pay to complete your registration.
Registration Questions & More Information
For questions regarding your registration or the registration process, please contact the 蹤獲扦 Conference Office.
Phone: 316-978-6493