Hey, it is team Cosmoshox! The last time you heard from us was in February. We were implementing updates in our TSS (Telemetry Stream Server) Plug in and planning for outreach events for this month. Here is a quick update.
On March 5th, our team received the John A. See Innovation award. We got a new gaming desktop computer that will allow for more than one member of our team to implement updates in our UI/UX designs and coding for COSMOS. Along with new tech, we are excited to rock out in new team T-Shirts.
This month we have had many opportunities to test COSMOS through outreach events. Elaine Duff, geologist for the team, presented this month's first outreach event at Clearwater Highschool. Elaine and mentor Kristyn Smith demonstrated our S.U.I.T.S project to two engineering classrooms. This event gave us valuable feedback on our designs so far.
Yumi Kikuchi and Denae Sawyer, co-leaders for the team, displayed our S.U.I.T.S challenge to their classmates at Devlin Hall. The feedback from the presentations are golden and we are eager to adhere to the advice and collaborate more closely.
Team Cosmoshox are planning to have a successful Software Design Review, or SDR for short, with NASA S.U.I.T.S mentors. The SDR with NASA is our ticket to the playoffs for the S.U.I.T.S challenge. After presenting, we will receive an official Yes or No to showcase C.O.S.M.O.S in the Rock Yard at Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Congratulations to Elaine Duff and being accepted for a NASA internship position as a NASA Space Camp Counselor at the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson Kansas for the Summer. Elaine is a graduate student persuing her masters in geology. She is also the geologist for team Cosmoshox.
Congratulations to Elliot Chambon and being accepted for the summer NASA internship position at Goddard Space Flight Center in Washington, DC. Elliot is a first-year student and Aerospace Engineering major. He is one of the developers for the team.
March has been a march toward improvements, planning, and feedback for Team Cosmoshox! The team has had many opportunities to test C.O.S.M.O.S (Cosmoshox On-Site Martian Overlay Sysem), our augmented reality head mounted display device. We also have been planning and testing for the big review coming next month. Stay tuned for more updates.