Engineers Week 2025
Engineers Week was founded in 1951 by the to celebrate and promote the engineering profession.
February 17th-23rd is the 2025 National Engineers Week, and the College of Engineering is celebrating with several activities and events!
Golden Calculator Search- Cancelled for Wednesday
Monday, February 17th, Wednesday, February 19th, and Friday, February 21st
All Day
All College of Engineering Buildings
Can you find a golden calculator? Five golden calculators will be hidden among the buildings on campus that house College of Engineering programs (Wallace Hall, Jabara Hall, Engineering Building, Beggs Hall, John Bardo Center, Jardine and Partnership 2). Clues will be announced daily on the College of Engineerings Instagram account ().
Find any one of the golden calculators and return it to the Engineering Student Success Center front desk by noon on Friday and you will receive up to $40 of 蹤獲扦 merchandise of your choice from the 蹤獲扦 Bookstore! Only one prize per College of Engineering student can be redeemed. The search is on! The Engineering Student Success Center's reception desk is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm.
Cancelled for Weather- Vision Boards with College of Engineering Academic Advisors
and Success Team
Tuesday, February 18th
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Partnership 2, ESSC Engineering Lounge
Plan to succeed by creating a visual of what you want your future to look like! Also, come meet and hang out with your department academic advisor. We have some new faces this year so please join us! They are all ready to help you realize your potential and create the future you see for yourself.
Cancelled for Weather- Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Tuesday, February 18th
6:30pm to 7:30pm
Woosley 110A
Enigneering Without Boarders is sponsoring a fun round of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" featuring College of Engineering faculty and students! Come early if you would like to be selected to play the game!
Cancelled for Weather- Engineering Week Carnival and Student Organization Fair
Wednesday, February 19th
6:00pm to 8:00pm
John Bardo Center Lobby
The future of Engineering is closer than you think! Engineering student organizations will be tabling and hosting activities to go along with our theme of the week: Creating the Future. CoE students: We wil have raffles for a free TV and other great prizes!
Postponed for Weather- Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
Thursday, February 20th
For more information, check out /academics/engineering/k12/girl-day.php
Engineering Bowling Night with Success Team, Faculty, and Staff
Friday, February 21st
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Shocker Grill & Lanes
Come bowling and play games with your Success Team, ESSC staff, and faculty! Pizza provided while supplies last!
蹤獲扦 Engineering 5k Run/Walk
Saturday, February 22nd
9:00am - 11:30am
John Bardo Center Courtyard
*Family friendly event - students, faculty, and staff are welcome to bring spouses,
significant others, and/or children.*
Join us for the 4th Annual 蹤獲扦 Engineering 5K run/walk! The 5K is open to College of Engineering students, faculty/staff, and community members! There will be medals for the Top 3 finishers in the student, faculty/staff and community member categories. The race will occur on the 蹤獲扦 campus and will conclude with snacks, water, and a celebration after the race finishes! Proceeds from the race registrations will go toward the College of Engineering Needs-Based Scholarship Fund to help students financially throughout their college experience. The course is USTAF Certified. Registration is open till Feburary 20th but the cost goes up after Febuary 14th. The shirt design will be posted soon!
Registration Link: