The principles of inclusive excellence are infused throughout the teaching, research, and service conducted in the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For several years, Fairmount College has included an advocate on every search committee for hiring new faculty. These search advocates, faculty members with expertise in hiring best practices, advise the committees on which they serve on issues ranging from generating a diverse pool of applicants to conducting fair and inclusive interviews to planning successful campus visits. Advocates, together with the dean, have designed standards to guide their work.
Fairmount College also is committed to instituting the recommendations made by the Advance Grant team, awarded $3,900,000 from the National Science Foundation to recruit more women and people of color to 蹤獲扦's STEM fields and improve the experiences of women and faculty of color already at 蹤獲扦. One of those recommendations was to create associate deans of Inclusive Excellence for each of 蹤獲扦's undergraduate colleges. In 2022, the Fairmount College Deans Office created its role of Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, a half-time position reporting to the dean. The associate dean is charged with assigning search advocates and serving as an advocate on a search, working with departments to infuse more diversity within the curriculum, helping departments develop and maintain inclusive cultures, and, most importantly, helping departments and faculty with the diversity-related initiatives they are already implementing or would like to implement.