2008 Service Award Honorees
Name | Dept. |
Elizabeth Alford | Engineering Dean's Office |
Chinh Bach | Physical Plant |
John Boyd | School of Art & Design |
Donald Byrum | School of Art & Design |
Anna Chandler | School of Community Affairs |
Shang Ching Chou | Computer Science |
N. Lorraine Copley | School of Nursing |
Lawrence Davis | English |
Buu Van Duong | Custodial Maintenance |
Sharon Erhsam | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
David Ericson | Political Science |
Jerry Galemore | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
William Gilmore | Environmental Health & Safety |
Alan Highland | Building Maintenance |
William Hockanson | Media Resources Center |
Donna Jestmore | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Larry Jones | University Computing |
Dennis Kear | College of Education |
Beverly Klag | Copy & Printing Services |
Loan Le | Custodial Maintenance |
Mai Le | Custodial Maintenance |
Wendell Leavitt | Biological Sciences |
Julia Lee | President's Office |
Caren Miller | School of Art & Design |
Joseph Mitchell | Research |
Janice Nevills | Mechanical Engineering |
Val Peck | Psychology |
Paul Reed | School of Music |
Mary Rice | Disability Services |
Clayton Robarcheck | Anthropology |
Dan Small | Building Maintenance |
Virginia Small | Physical Plant Administration |
William Smith | Rhatigan Student Center |
Jerry Trucks | Building Maintenance |
Betty Twitty | Campus Life & University Relations |
Marilynn Walkup | Registrar's Office |
S. Diane Wenrich | West Campus |
John Williams | University Libraries |
L. Keith Williamson | Elliott School of Communication |
Vernon Yenne | School of Music |
45 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Donald Distler | Biological Sciences |
40 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Paul Ackerman | Psychology |
Dorothy Billings | Anthropology |
D. Sue Cook | Human Resources |
Armin Gerhard | International Education |
Glendon Miller | Environmental Health and Safety |
Don Nance | SRS KIDS Training Team |
Larry Spalton | Landscape and Ground Maintenance |
John Stanga | Political Science |
35 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Diane Barnes | Registrar's Office |
Dong Cho | Economics |
Donald Hackett | Marketing |
Beverly Henline | University Libraries |
James Herrman | Rhatigan Student Center |
Ronald Iacovetta | School of Community Affairs |
Don Malzahn | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering |
Jane Rhoads | Academic Programs |
Rusty Rhoads | Auto Service |
Francis Rokosz | Human Performance Studies |
Jerry Shaw | School of Community Affairs |
Gordon Vadakin | Rhatigan Student Center |
Peter Zoller | English |
30 years of service
Name | Dept. |
David Atkins | Building Maintenance |
Tina Bennett | English |
Charles Bouska | University Computing |
George Corbin | University Libraries |
Woodrow DePontier | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Timothy Lause | School of Social Work |
Robert Rozzelle | Liberal Arts Advising Center |
25 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Edna Bates-Tosses | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Collette Burke | Geology |
Susan Emerson | Physics |
Marshall Griffin | Custodial Maintenance |
Wendy Hanes | Fine Arts Dean's Office |
Philip Hersch | Economics |
Kimberly Jantz | Media Resources Center |
Sandra Ludlum | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Barbara Mazza Silhan | Intensive English Language Center |
Phillip Parker | Mathematics & Statistics |
Kathleen Perez | Sociology |
Charles Roush | Rhatigan Student Center |
George Schroeder | Building Maintenance |
Diana Simpson | Rhatigan Student Center |
Marcia Stevens | Small Business Development Center |
Hugh "Butch" Thompson | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Hercilia Thompson | TRIO Programs Support |
John Wilson | Registrar's Office |
20 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Terry Althouse | Building Maintenance |
Vincent Altum | International Education |
Behnam Bahr | Mechanical Engineering |
Jeffrey Bever | University Computing |
James Brewer | School of Art & Design |
Catherine Browning | Center for Community Support & Research |
Stephen Carter | Intensive English Language Center |
Edwin Catlin | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Thomas DeLillo | Mathematics & Statistics |
Nancy Deyoe | University Libraries |
Cindy Dowell | Custodial Maintenance |
Michael Erickson | University Computing |
Lori Evans | Health Professions Dean's Office |
Phyllis Fletcher | School of Nursing |
Linda Gill | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Angela Howie | Kansas Council on Economic Education |
David Hughes | Anthropology |
Victor Isakov | Mathmatic & Statistics |
Judith Johnson | History |
Rege Klitzke | Intercollegiate Athletics - Business Operations |
Susan Kovar | Academic Affairs & Research |
Sandra Marler | Research Administration |
Jerry Martin | Holmes Museum of Anthropology |
L. Scott Miller | Aerospace Engineering |
Kristi Mohler | University Computing |
Kimberly Moore | Hughes Metropolitan Complex |
Hari Mukerjee | Mathematics & Statistics |
Mary Myers | Sport Management |
Duane Post | Copy and Print Services |
Dean Roush | School of Music |
Patsy Sheffield | Multicultural Affairs |
Kevin Stuewe | Building Maintenance |
Asrat Teshome | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Michael Turner | Human Resources |
Christopher Weller | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
15 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Kathryn Adams | University Libraries |
Mara Alagic | Curriculum & Instruction |
Barry Badgett | School of Art & Design |
Heather Baker | School of Nursing |
Robyn Bongartz | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Jeffrey Bryant | School of Accountancy |
S. Hossein Cheraghi | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering |
Vincentia Claycomb | Marketing |
Dianne Coleman | Academic Affairs & Research |
Stephen Copeland | Computer Science |
Alan Crane | School of Music |
Judie Dansby | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Donald Davis | University Computing |
Margaret Dawe | English |
Darwin Dorr | Psychology |
B.J. "Bobbi" Dreiling | Faculty Senate |
Brian Fee | Building Maintenance |
Shelley Fetters | Intercollegiate Athletics-Baseball |
Paula Garner | Landscape & Ground Maintenance |
Gary Gegen | Architectural & Engineering Services |
Donna Gerant | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Cheryl Gomez | Rhatigan Student Center |
Cecil Hashenberger | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Sherri Heersche | Education Support Services |
LaWanda Holt-Fields | McNair Scholars Program |
Raymond Hull | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Roger Jones | Barton School Technology & Operations |
Kevin Keplar | Elliott School of Communication |
Se Yong Kim | Custodial Maintenance |
Pamela Kocaturk | International Education |
Barbara Koch | Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP |
David Koert | Mechanical Engineering |
Hyuck Kwon | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Ronald Land | Building Maintenance |
John Lee | Heskett Center |
Daowei Ma | Mathematics & Statisticss |
Candy Mayer | Custodial Maintenance |
Patricia McLeod | Center for Management Development |
Margaret Ochs | Alumni Association |
Roberts Oswalt | University Computing |
Harold Popp | School of Music |
Larry Rankin | Intercollegiate Athletics - Media Relations |
Laurie Reese | Chemistry |
Carol Russell | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Judith Salmans | Registrar's Office |
Judith Schauner | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Elizabeth Smith | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Chanhom Smith | Custodial Maintenance |
Johnnie Thompson | Curriculum & Instruction |
Gretchen Torline | Intercollegiate Athletics - Academic Services |
Cheryl Trissal | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Thomas Veltman | Central Services |
Brad Victory | School of Performing Arts |
Marsha Webb | Intensive English Language Center |
Mary Wirths | University Libraries |
David Wright | Sociology |
10 years of service
Name | Dept. |
Suhair "Sue" Abdinnour-Helm | Finance Real Estate & Decision Sciences |
Vernon Baptiste | Building Maintenance |
Gemma Blackburn | Universities Libraries |
Alison Brown | School of Community Affairs |
Raymond Calabrese | Educational Leadership |
Barbara Chaparro | Psychology |
Virginia Crowley | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Kristi Donovan-Wright | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Jason Ferguson | Physics |
Jason Flanders | School of Performing Arts |
Michael Flores | School of Accountancy |
Pamela Fullinwider | 蹤獲扦 Foundation |
Anne Gallagher | Center for Economic Development & Business |
Angela Gaughan | Cooperative Education |
Kay Gibson | Curriculum & Instruction |
Brenda Gile-Laflin | Engineering Dean's Office |
Linnea Glenmaye | School of Social Work |
Thomas Grubb | Opera & Musical Theatre |
Juan Guarddon-Pueyo | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Linda Hager | Research Administration |
Ladonna Hale | Physician Assistant Program |
Judith Hayes | Curriculum & Instruction |
Judy Herrold | Copy and Print Services |
Rhonda Hicks | Upward Bound/Wichita Prep |
Twyla Hill | Sociology |
Neal Hoelting | Undergraduate Admissions |
Tuyet Thi Huynh | Custodial Maintenance |
Steven Lafever | Administration & Finance |
Patrick Laham | Copy and Print Services |
Ariel Loftus | History |
Rebecca Maholland | School of Performing Arts |
Robert Manske | Physical Therapy |
Matthew McKenna | National Institute for Aviation Research |
David Neville | School of Performing Arts |
Cheong Ng | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Joan Peterson | International Education |
Dee Pritchett | School of Community Affairs |
Jeffrey Quirin | School of Accountancy |
Michael Rogers | Human Performance Studies |
John Sandlin | Housing & Residence Life |
Kimberly Sandlin | Undergraduate Admissions |
Stephanie Sauls | University Library Dean's Office |
Jeannine Saunders | School of Performing Arts |
John Schafer | Computer Science |
Julie Scherz | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Gregg Schwendner | Modern & Classical Languages & Literature |
G. Clayton Stoldt | Sport Management |
Peggy Ward | Finance Real Estate & Decision Sciences |
Pamela Whitaker | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Five years of service
Name | Dept. |
Cheryl Adams | Student Life |
Joan Adkisson | Barton School Dean's Office |
Maria Akrabova | Modern & Classical Languages & Literature |
Tamara Atwater | Research Administration |
Kerry Bainum | Performance Facilities |
Angela Bateman | Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic |
Sheila Bates | Enrollment Services |
Richard Bomgardner | Human Performance Studies |
Alexandre Boukhgueim | Mathematics & Statistics |
Patricia Bowen | School of Music |
Doris Chang | Women's Studies & Religion |
Linda Claypool | Enrollment Services |
Jean Collins | Intensive English Language Center |
Tamara Cutler | Intercollegiate Athletics-Media Relations |
Sheri Daniel-Washington | School of Community Affairs |
Anthony DiLollo | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Lara DiLollo | Communication Sciences & Disorders |
Betty Elder | School of Nursing |
Susan Fordyce | Custodial Maintenance |
Aimee Geist | Ulrich Museum of Art |
Kathryn Gifford | Rhatigan Student Center |
Terri Griffith | Mathematics & Statistics |
Brenda Heidner | Chemistry |
Jodie Hertzog | Sociology |
Linda Horsley | Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic |
Cecilia Hudson | Registrar's Office |
Patrick Hutchison | Education Dean's Office |
Augustine Iacopelli | West Campus |
Allen Jaeckel | Custodial Maintenance |
Cathrine James | Human Resources |
Margaret Jewell | Curriculum & Instruction |
Li Jia | Biological Sciences |
Lisa Jones | General Counsel's Office |
Brenda Khan | School of Art & Design |
Bobbie Knoblauch | Management |
Melinda Laubach | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Joanne Levine | School of Social Work |
Christopher Mai | 蹤獲扦 Police Department |
Cory Martin | Education Technology Center |
Carol McCall | Graduate School Dean's Office |
Jennifer McCoy | Biological Sciences |
Susan McCoy | Chemistry |
Wyatt McCrea | School of Art & Design |
Cynthia Miller | Academic Affairs & Research |
Denise Mills | Management |
Teresa Moore | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Yasir Muneer | SRS KIDS Training Team |
Coleen Murphy | Campus Life & University Relations |
Phuc Nguyen | Custodial Maintenance |
Tam Nguyen | Housing Custodial & Maintenance |
Chinyere Okafor | Women's Studies & Religion |
Steven Peters | School of Performing Arts |
Chau Kim Pham | Custodial Maintenance |
Brian Pracht | Intercollegiate Athletics - External Operations |
Curtis Proctor | School of Social Work |
Paladugu Rao | University Libraries Dean's Office |
Jack Robertson | University Libraries |
Lamia Salah | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Kurt Soschinske | Mechanical Engineering |
Jacqueline Staley | Engineering Dean's Office |
Rickie Stephens | Building Maintenance |
Linda Sutton | Small Business Development Center |
Lois Tatro | Financial Operations & Business Technology |
Lindsay Thompson | Physical Plant Director's Office |
Fernando Toledo | National Institute for Aviation Research |
Drew Tombrello | School of Performing Arts |
Carol Trent | Dental Hygiene |
Marcia Ward | Rhatigan Student Center |
Scott Williams | Building Maintenance |
Kristine Wingard | Rhatigan Student Center |
Christian Wolf | Mathematics & Statistics |
Bing-Na Wong | Campus Credit Union |