First Gen Success Prize Drawing

Learn about your opportunity to win a prize for attending First Gen Success events during the spring 2021 semester.

First Gen Success | Celebration!

May 3, 2021, 1 3 p.m. & 4 5 p.m. | You did it! Celebrate the end of your spring semester, what you learned and how you grew!

First Gen Success | Career Development

Apr. 5, 2021, 1 3 p.m. & 4 5 p.m. | Discover your career resources and learn about opportunities to boost your skills and your resume!

First Gen Success | Wellness & Self-Care

Mar. 8, 2021, 1 3 p.m. & 4 5 p.m. | Learn about your wellness resources and how care for yourself both physically and mentally!

First Gen Success | Academic Tips

Feb. 15, 2021, 1 3 p.m. & 4 5 p.m. | Join First Gen Success to talk about your academic resources and how to build a strong foundation for your semester!

First Gen Success Semester Recap

Feb. 8, 2021, 1 3 p.m. & 4 5 p.m. | It's time to reflect on the fall 2020 semester and identify what went well and what you can improve this semester. Also, there will be drawings for students who attend First Gen Success events this semester!