Abu Asaduzzaman (Zaman) is a professor of computer engineering and the Associate Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Asaduzzaman has received his PhD and MS degrees, both in computer engineering, from Florida Atlantic University (). He has received his BS degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (). Link to his curriculum vitae.
Asaduzzaman's research interests include computer systems, data analysis, and machine learning. He is a recipient of research grants from various organizations including , DoE , , , and State of Kansas-URCA. His research lab (CAPPLab) earned top research designation as it was named a GPU Research Center by Nvidia. His solar energy project was well recognized by the Green Group at 蹤獲扦. Link to his research statement.
Asaduzzaman's teaching courses include Introduction to Computer Architecture (ECE 394), Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis (ECE 475-475L), Microprocessor-Based System Design (ECE 594-594L), High Performance Computer Systems (ECE 694), Hardware-Based Cybersecurity (ECE 696), Machine Learning Essentials and Applications (ECE 707), Parallel Computing (ECE 794), and Computer Systems in Data Analytics (ECE 875). Link to his statement of teaching philosophy.
Asaduzzaman's services include the for the and the Technical Program Chair of 2019 Midwest Section Conference (see photos). He serves as reviewer for peer-reviewed journals and as program committee member for conferences. He serves as panel reviewer for programs.