Learn about the ideas that shape Hispanic Cultures

A 12 credit-hour interdisciplinary certificate on films, comics, food, LatinX culture, and more.



Take 4 classes from the following:
Course Title Hours
SPAN 520 Hispanic Film: Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World 3
SPAN 624

Seminar in Latin-American Literature or Culture

SPAN 626

Spanish Civilization

SPAN 627

Latin-American Civilization

SPAN 632

Hispanic Cooking Communities

SPAN 633

Latin@ Studies

SPAN 805

Directed Readings Spanish


Courses between 500-799 taken at the undergraduate level cannot be used toward the completion of a graduate certificate.

In addition to these requirements, students must meet the  in order to earn this certificate.


Admission to the Program


Admission to the certificate program requires a 3.000 GPA with 1) an earned bachelors in Spanish or 2) another area with an advanced level of Spanish (to be determined by the program coordinator).

There are two paths to admission to the program:

Contact Coordinator