Computer Labs (PC Labs)
The PC Labs located in Lindquist Hall 429B and 429C are available for 蹤獲扦 University courses that need to be taught using computers. Space is limited and timeslots are based on a reservation system. One way to assure you get a chance to use the lab is to schedule ahead of time. Please do not wait until the last minute. We may not be able to accommodate you.
We ask that when scheduling to use the PC Labs that you only use it when instruction with a computer is needed. If your course is mostly lecture, but some days the computer is needed, please sign up for only those days that you need the PCs.
These labs are used mainly for course instruction. However, if there is not a class in session, the labs will be available for studying. The hours for the PC Labs will vary. The general hours will be posted on the front door of 429 LH and the more specific hours for the labs will be posted outside their respective doors (429B & 429C).