The U.S. Housing and Urban Development provides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through the Missouri Department of Economic Development (MDED) to address local health and safety concerns and improve local facilities that support well-being and growth in Missouri communities.

Community Improvement District

A Community Improvement District is a special purpose district whose property owners voluntarily tax themselves to fund public improvements or services to support the community and promote economic development

The Conservation Easement Assistance Program provides long-term habitat protection for wildlife, water quality, outdoor recreation and/or other ecosystems by funding land purchases and infrastructure that supports public access.

The Missouri State Parks provides matching grants to acquire new recreation lands and to plan and develop them into close-to-home outdoor recreation opportunities to Americas youth, adults, senior citizens, and persons with physical or intellectual disabilities.

The Conservation Land Acquisition Program provides funds for land acquisition that provides increased public access to nature and outdoor recreation. Land must also enhance conservation of wildlife, habitats and ecosystem services.

A stormwater incentive program is a tool for communities to encourage developers, homeowners, businesses, etc. to incorporate stormwater best practices into new developments or redevelopments in order to meet runoff or pollutant reduction goals.

Development Impact Fee

The Development Impact Fee is a one-time fee assessed by a local government on new development to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development.

Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities

Each year the EPA provides technical assistance to about 3 communities to help them address the threats of natural disasters by providing tools and guidance to help them take action to protect the people, economy and quality of life in these communities.

Environmental Grant Program

American Waters Environmental Grant Program provides funding to address watershed or source water protection in local communities in the American Water service area.

Each year the US Forest Service encourages collaborative, science-based restoration of priority forest landscapes through the Landscape Scale Restoration Grant.